When walking into an emergency plumbing situation, it can be difficult to know what to do first. Should you call someone, or go for the most valuable items in the room? Should you figure out how to shut off your water? Should you try to divert the water in a different direction? Sometimes, you only have a few seconds to decide before the situation escalates beyond your control. At CBB Plumbing Corp, there are a few steps our team knows to take in order to limit damage, cost, and stress.
When it comes to asking for help, most of us want to try and take care of a problem on our own unless absolutely necessary. This can be great for learning and adapting to new situations, but it can also lead us to ignoring or mistaking clear signs that things have gotten out of hand. How do you know when a plumbing problem becomes an emergency? When is it time to call for help? Here are a few issues that would classify as emergencies:
Major Flooding. To be clear, this means that (unless you're able to turn off the water), unlimited amounts of water are pouring into your home. This amount of water will require a few hours of clean-up, intentional drying, and usually water removal services.
Hidden Leaks. Just because they're hidden doesn't mean they're invisible. If you're noticing an increasing problem in water pressure, dark stains on the walls, musty, damp smells from different areas of the house, or bubbling/sagging in the walls and ceilings, you're going to need a professional to find the problem.
No Water. This sign is the direct opposite of the others, but if your building isn't getting water, and you haven't gotten any warning messages from your water provider, it's time to call for help.
Sewage. Whether your toilets are backing up, or pools of sewage water have appeared in your yard, any problems having to do with proper management of waste needs to be addressed immediately by experts.
Once you've realized you're dealing with a plumbing emergency, you've got to act quickly. As the owner and caretaker, that means you've got multiple problems to resolve, plans to make, and people to call. Utilizing a professional team to address the plumbing emergency in your Brooklyn home means the research, planning, clean-up, restoration, and preventative work won't be on your shoulders, leaving you to focus on what you need to do.
The best way to prevent a plumbing emergency is with regular, reliable maintenance. Here are a few things that you can do:
Daily: Be mindful of what your plumbing system is capable, and don't introduce things like oils, plastics, or paints.
Weekly: Briefly check around the house (under sinks, etc) for any signs of leaks.
Annually: Schedule a professional inspection to investigate all of the important but hard-to-access parts of your home, and alert you of anything that needs to be repaired or replaced.
Needing some help, or looking to schedule an inspection? Contact us at CBB Plumbing Corp today!
For more information or to schedule emergency service, call or text us at (212) 929-8686 or visit our contact page.
For more information or to schedule service, call or text us at (212) 929-8686 or fill out the form below.
We provide service to the 5 boroughs of New York City
We provide service to all 5 boroughs of New York City - The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.
Same-day plumbing and emergency service available.
2341 McDonald Ave Brooklyn, NY 11223